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Karl W. SwartzSong of the Sea

We lived like pirates, scavenging the seas
for whatever fortune might blow our way—
giving to none, but take as we please.
The world was a'plenty and life was a tryst.

We landed in ports where the duty was fair,
and the questions were warm and with comfort in mind.
But no man ever pulled more than his share,
and demands were met by the edge of a blade.

The channel was where we best liked to roam—
though narrow, she offered both pleasure and sport.
Like any good pirates, we felt best at home
where the action was heavy and fighting most fierce.

But out in the open seas she did come,
where none had expected encounter so rare.
And when she proved answer where we had thought none,
the ship was lost, with all hands aboard.

Only her captain alone did she save
(such honor is more than my own just deserve).
For she was willing in all that she gave,
to follow me down, lest I rise up again.

The sea is fair safe as it always must be,
where mercy and men ride the ships they have built.
And woman alike is fair as the sea,
and a man learns to weather her storms and her swells.

Who then would fathom the depths of her soul,
coming neither to plunder nor rape,
allowing the infinite sea to enfold
and to flow from the love they would make.

Copyright © 2009 by Karl W. Swartz.  All rights reserved.