
Karl W. Swartz
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Karl Swartz does website programming, computer repair, and networking in the Tri-Cities area of Northeast Tennessee.

Note: My site is undergoing renovation at this time, is generally workable although not too pretty in some places, grin and bear it. <g> Not now a good recommendation for my services, but hopefully, will soon have some new and neat stuff!

Karl may be contacted by email
or by telephone:  423-989-3029 days & evenings.

Hello, and welcome to my website! This is mostly a space for me to save and share some of my favorite things and, as such, may likely not get updated much. I am not a Facebook person, so this is what you get instead. Be sure to check out my Great Free Software links. You may never have to buy software again!

The remainder of my site at this time appears to be my three p's: Pets, Poems, & Potpourri (which is everything that doesn't fit anywhere else). There may eventually be a few rants and raves here also, ignore these as best you can. If you find anything fun to take with you, great, I'm glad you had a good time! Thanks for stopping by.

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional Website Copyright © 2009, 2023 by Karl W Swartz
design & programming - karl w. swartz
(This page last updated 31 Oct 2023)
59038 visits since 02/10/23